Life expectancies across congressional districts in the United States

Health data on the congressional district level align with the interests of Members of Congress, who have the power to shape federal health policies. Researchers at the Geographic Insights Lab present life expectancy metrics at the congressional district level. This allows Members of Congress and their constituents to further understand the state of health within their communities.

Geographic Visualization

PDF of Maps and Supplementary Content

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For more information on the methodolgy see our paper linked here: Full Text PDF -- with Permission from Elsevier. (DOI:


  1. In the percentile and change filter, use CTRL (on Windows) and CMD (on Mac) to select more than one percentile/change category.
  2. The 10th percentile represents the districts below the 10th percentile; the 20th percentile represents districts between the 10th and 20th percentile, and so on.
  3. For best performance, use Incognito Mode on Google Chrome on desktop.

Additional Information

To view the paper, click on the image below.

LE CD Paper

Reprinted from Social Science and Medicine (, Vol 298, Aya Takai, Akhil Kumar, Rockli Kim, S.V. Subramanian, Life expectancies across congressional districts in the United States, 2022, with permission from Elsevier.